Ever Wonder Why? Week 4

Do you ever wonder why God doesn’t do something about the suffering in the world or even your own personal pain?


Job 30:20-23 – THE MESSAGE

We all want a reason or someone to blame for the suffering we face.  But what we need is actually something different.


Matthew 11:11 NLT

Matthew 4:12-13 NLT

John was loved by Jesus and yet Jesus didn’t come and rescue him.


Matthew 11:2-3 NLT

God’s silence doesn’t mean He doesn’t care.


Matthew 11:4-5 NLT

Facts not feelings should drive our faith.


Jesus tells John’s followers to tell him what they have “seen and heard”.  Tell him the facts.


Matthew 11:6 NLT

Choose to trust God even in the silence.


Jesus walked the road of suffering for you and He walks your road of suffering with you.



What’s your next step?

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