The most important decision you and your family will make during our I’m In initiative will be your own giving commitment. How do you know what God wants you to give over the next 12 months?
Here are some steps to help you in your decision.
Give yourself time to hear from God. The more time you allow for considering your commitment, the more God will build your faith, and the more likely you will set yourself up for a miracle.
“Lord, show me how to give in a way that stretches and builds my faith more than ever. I want to trust you for a miracle.” God is more interested in you trusting Him than in the amount you commit to give. The more you sincerely pray this prayer, the more God will show you how you could give more than the first amount that popped into your heard. If you’re married, pray together with your spouse.
Obviously, everyone in our church family doesn’t have the ability to give the same amount. God doesn’t expect that. But God does want all of us to make a genuine sacrifice for Him, which will be different for each of us. If my gift is not a sacrifice, then it doesn’t require any faith. David said, “I will not sacrifice to the Lord an offering that cost me nothing.” (2 Samuel 24:24)
If you have children, involve them, no matter how young they are. It’s an opportunity to teach them generosity and faith. Read these Bible promises and instructions, and make a list of what you learn: Proverbs 3:9-10, Proverbs 11:24-25, Luke 6:38, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, Matthew 6:19-20
For your offering:
- Is there anything we could sell or convert to cash?
- Is there anything we could do to bring in income for our offering?
For your weekly or monthly commitment for 36 months:
- How can we decrease our expenses in order to be more generous?
- Are there expenditures that we could sacrifice or delay?
- How can we increase our income in order to make a larger commitment?
Pray this over your I’m In commitment:
“Father, this is a big step for us. We’re asking You to stretch our faith, strengthen our faith, and deepen our faith through this commitment to be generous. We realize that everything we have comes from You, so we make this commitment for 4 reasons. First, to express our gratitude for all You’ve provided for us in the past. Second, to show our desire for You to be first in our lives right now. Third, to demonstrate our faith in Your promises to provide for us in the future as we honor You. And finally, to show our support for our church family in making a difference for eternity. Thank You for this opportunity to grow in trusting You, and thank You for our church family. We pray this campaign will be a great success. In Jesus name, Amen!”
It’s both. With our theme – “I’m In” – we each decide what our sacrifice to God will be in gratitude to Him. In faith, you pledge to give that amount over the next 12 months, and begin that commitment with whatever beyond the tithe offering you are able to give this week.
If you have never really began to give, just start somewhere. Pick an amount or percentage of your income, and trust God with your giving.
Yes, your commitment should be beyond your regular tithe. The Bible says in Luke 6:38, “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full–pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”
Online! It’s quite easy and fast. Just go to graceriver.cc/imin While online is the easiest, you can always give by making a cash gift, making a 12-month giving pledge, giving property stock, or other items of value, or making Grace River Church a beneficiary in your will and trust.
The sermons are available on our website at graceriver.cc/watch or iTunes Podcast.
Yes! When you turn in your I’m In gift and commitment card, just write “online” on the form and we’ll know.
Lance Oxler
The church has been very instrumental in my journey to find Jesus Christ. Our church is where I realized the relationship piece and moved away from religion. It is also where I was able to dive in and get connected with others and serve on a team. Serving on a team and joining a small group helped me build relationships with Godly men and families that would pour into me like I never dreamed. Being able to share my struggles to a group of guys that made me feel comfortable, is our church. Our church proves to be a safe zone for trouble, struggles and hard questions. God is doing great things with the people of our church!
Emily Johns
When I first came to Grace River, I was more lost than I've ever been in my life. It was such a blessing from the moment I walked through the door to be welcomed with open arms by people who quickly became like family to me. I've known since day one that it is a safe place to learn and grow, without judgement or embarrassment. I am so proud of the journey I've walked, despite major twists and turns, and will be forever grateful for the impact that Grace River has had on getting me to the path of finding and following Jesus.
God-inspired dreams are the launchpad of faith. The Creator of the universe invites us to dream God-sized dreams.
“Lord, what do YOU want me to do?”
“Speak, your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10
Calculate what you’re currently giving and think about what you could give over the next 3 years.
Add God to the equation. Ask God to stretch your faith. Invite Him to do the supernatural through you.
Each of us can give far more than we think by giving it over a 12 month period.
Here are some examples: