We are so happy you are visiting! We know attending a new church can be intimidating, so we want to help make your first experience at Grace River a great one!
Come join us at one of our three Sunday Services, and we will have a warm cup of coffee waiting for you!
If you are ready to plan a visit, click the button above and complete a short form to speed up the check-in process.
Please note: If you have kids (Nursery-5th Grade) and would like to check them into GraceKid’s Ministry, please include their names and birthdates on the form.
When you arrive on Sunday, stop by the New Here Start Here counter and grab a FREE gift!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Message from Chris Highfill, Lead Pastor
We offer three identical Sunday Worship Services at 8:30AM, 9:45AM, or 11:00AM. Each service lasts about one hour.
Services begin with the Grace River Worship Team leading in music. Song lyrics are projected onto the screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.
After the music portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will share a dynamic message that is applicable to your life.
We have a designated parking area for first-time guests marked with orange New Here, Park Here flags. Volunteers will be located in that area to direct you into the lot.
Sundays at Grace River are very casual. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.
Stop by our New Here, Start Here counter and a volunteer will enter your information into our system and answer any questions you may have. We also offer a free gift just to say thank you for checking us out.
If you have any questions after service, return to the New Here, Start Here counter, or email info@graceriver.cc. We would love to hear from you.
GRACEKIDS is available for Nursery – 5th Grade. It is a fun environment your kids will love.
Our vision for GraceKid’s is that your kids would not only have a blast but also have their hearts and minds focused upon Jesus. We also make your kids’ safety a priority. Because of that, please make sure to leave a little extra time before service to get your kids checked in.
To learn more visit, graceriver.cc/kids/.
GRACE STUDENTS is for kids in 6th-12th Grade. We hold weekly semester (Spring and Fall) gatherings on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm at the church.
We also hold Summer Nights every other week during the summer months.
To learn more visit, graceriver.cc/students/.
The Bible tells us that the church is not a building or a place, but the people – and we feel that is true at Grace River. We all have each been given spiritual gifts to serve each other in many ways, which will make our world an even better place.
Grace River offers several areas to serve and get involved. As one person, you can make a difference, but together we can make tremendous strides.
To learn more visit, graceriver.cc/serve/.
We do offer Small Groups, which are typically groups of 15-18 people who meet for 13 weeks in someone’s home, during the Spring and Fall, to grow on their spiritual journey.
However, we also offer the Connect Small Group, as an option for new people, which meets in the church. We understand attending a Small Group in someone’s home, when you are new, can be a little intimidating.
We believe that true life-change happens in Small Groups.
“You can be inspired in a row, but life-change happens in a circle.” – Pastor Chris Highfill
To learn more visit, graceriver.cc/smallgroups/.